Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy statement describes the ways in which the Chemical Engineers Benevolent Fund (the ‘’charity’’) uses and discloses personal data. This includes information received from applicants for financial assistance, volunteer visitors and supporters, our Trustees and third parties.

Personal data 

Personal data includes any information that identifies you personally, such as your name, address, email address or telephone number. The charity respects the privacy of your personal information and complies with General Data Protection Regulations and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations.  

How personal data is obtained 

The charity processes personal information supplied to us in writing, via email, via the telephone, in person or online. This may be combined with information obtained from the Institution of Chemical Engineers (‘’IChemE’’), our volunteer visitors, other charitable organisations, suppliers of bespoke services, our bank and online donation platforms. 

Purpose of using your data 

The charity processes personal information where you have given your consent, or where there is legitimate interest to fulfil charitable objectives and comply with legal requirements. For example:  

Applicants to the charity for financial assistance are requested to provide information on their relationship to IChemE along with financial details of their household and health conditions of themselves or any dependents. This sensitive information helps to inform the charity on additional financial needs.  

The charity has a legitimate interest in retaining and using this personal data as appropriate, to ensure that assistance is only provided to those that have a genuine financial hardship.   

The charity has a legal obligation to provide data to HMRC where the donor has consented to claim Gift aid and an operational need for bank details should the supporter consent to provide ongoing regular donations. 

Disclosure of information  

All data is managed as strictly confidential, is only used for the purposes it was intended and is only disclosed to parties who have a need to access it to fulfil the charitable objectives or where required to do so by law. The charity would always gain the individual’s consent prior to sharing with a third party and this consent can be withdrawn at any time.   

The charity may need to disclose data to IChemE. 

While the charity controls the purposes, policies and processes of the data it obtains, records, uses and stores, the employees responsible for the day to day administration are employed by IChemE. IChemE also provide appropriate support through their finance, IT and membership departments. IChemE is not permitted to use this information for any other purpose than to perform the processing service as instructed by the charity.   

The charity may disclose data to other third parties who provide services on behalf of the charity.  

How long information is held  

The charity will securely maintain records in line with our data protection policy. As a general rule, data is held for a maximum of seven years following the cessation of the charity’s relationship with the individual. After the seven years, all paper and electronically held records will be securely destroyed.    

Storage and security of personal data  

To prevent unauthorised access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the correct use of information, the charity has put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information collected and processed on behalf of the charity.   

Your rights   

You have the right to be informed about the processing of your personal data, request access to, rectification, deletion or restrict processing at any point. You also have the right to move, copy or transfer your personal data, object to the processing and rights in relation to automated decision making including profiling. To find out more, please refer to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website: 

If you have any questions regarding this policy or concerns on the accuracy and use of your data, please contact the secretary of the charity by email who is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the charity and for reporting any data breaches in respect of The charity to the ICO and any serious incidents to The Charity Commission.